MCK Radio

Get to know about MCK Radio

MCK Radio is a 100% South Sudanese online station operating under MCK Media Company, legally operating in South Sudan. The company was established for informational, educational, cultural, and scientific purposes, in order to provide the people of South Sudan and neighboring territories with well-documented videos on issues of current and past events. MCK Radio Vision Statement: Our vision is to become South Sudan’s premium provider of quality content across all media platforms. MCK Radio Mission Statement: MCK Radio will lead the new media revolution by helping to build and strengthen a democratic South Sudan and grow our presence both locally and nationally. This we will accomplish with excellence in the way we conduct our business, in our product offering, and in our service to our diverse communities. MCK Radio Motto: MCK Radio slogan: “Connecting you with the digital life.” Goal: The main goal of establishing MCK Radio as an independent 100% South Sudanese online radio station under MCK Media Company is to promote local ownership of the company by transforming the lives of South Sudanese in management and decision-making to carry on the vision. Objectives: MCK Radio exists for the following core objectives: - To provide the people of South Sudan and neighboring territories with well-documented videos, balanced news, and information on issues vital to an informed and participating citizenry. - To provide and facilitate access to information, including governmental issues and elections, civic education, health, education, culture, and gender. - To provide education and training to build the capacity of journalists and other media professionals. - To facilitate access to objective, accurate information and news. - To promote and encourage training projects within the media industry. - To participate fully with colleague companies and organizations within the media industry. In furtherance of the above objectives, MCK Radio shall: - Advocate for the South Sudanese people’s social and developmental interests. - Mobilize local resources and other sources of income from individuals, international associations and organizations, businesses, state governments, and groups in furthering its mission. - Promote and carry out research and investigations in furtherance of MCK Media’s mission. - Promote activities through singular or joint workshops, exhibitions, meetings, lectures, classes, seminars, and training courses. - Produce, gratuitously or for a fee, such workshop documents, papers, books, periodicals, pamphlets, or other documents or films or recorded tapes (whether audio or visual, or both) as shall further the said objectives. - Do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the accomplishment of said objectives. Our Values The MCK Radio team arrived at these core values together after much discussion, reflection, and collaboration. Our values guide us as we create our company culture and select prospective team members, projects, and partners. JB Media Company Values Defined: PURPOSE We’re dedicated to having a positive impact. We believe in quality video, audio, and texts, and a peaceful environment—and we bring passion to our work to advance these goals. We work with clients who are aligned with this vision. We strive to be the change we want to see, by creating a peaceful and informative workplace culture and by giving back to our home communities in South Sudan. ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET We look for opportunities for growth for our company, MCK Online Radio Station, and for our clients—and we go for it! We embrace change as we constantly learn, try new things, and connect with new people. We’re innovative thinkers and creative problem solvers, collaborating with our clients to find opportunities within challenges. OUR CLIENT’S BEST INTERESTS We strive to do the right thing for the client. We see ourselves as part of the client’s team, and we’re highly motivated to help them succeed. For every project, we align our strategy with the client’s goals, needs, and budget. If we’re not the best fit, we recommend vendors that can better serve the client. MEDIA RELATIONSHIPS We cultivate positive relationships with our team members, clients, and partners. We show respect, stand up for our own needs, communicate with courage, and show gratitude in our words and actions. As a team, we support each other through challenges and celebrations. BALANCE We are thoughtful about how we spend our time and energy. While we pursue excellence on the job, we also support each other to live our best lives—pursuing personal projects, spending time with loved ones, and recharging our energy. We are passionate and purpose-driven; at the same time, we stay grounded, respect boundaries, and avoid burnout. LONG-TERM OUTLOOK We’re always looking forward. We invest in the future we want for our company, our clients, our environment, and the communities we serve. We track trends and position ourselves at the leading edge of a constantly changing industry. We sustain our company’s success by building strong relationships and an excellent reputation. We work toward a vision to become South Sudan’s premium provider of quality content across all media platforms. Where We Work MCK Radio covers news about the ten states and three administrative areas of the Republic of South Sudan and its neighboring countries. Partners As MCK Radio and Media Company, all the funds we raise – whether from video shooting, editing, film production, jingles & PSAs production, advertising, sponsorships, grants and other sources – may be used only to support our mission; however, we must be financially sustainable and generate sufficient revenue to cover our operational costs to fulfill our mission. Our funding comes from a mix of public sector, Individual, civil society and private sector sources.

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Majur Chol Khor

