In a heartening turn of events, the call for justice and hope has been answered as Callisto Lado, the former mayor of Juba City, has been granted his freedom to be reunited with his family. This positive development comes after fervent advocacy efforts and appeals for the well-being of Callisto Lado.

Expressing gratitude towards the National Security Service (NSS) leadership and the Office of the Public Relations for their swift and affirmative response, Edmond Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, remarked, “This is a positive response to the advocacy we have been carrying out for the past few days, following concerns about Callisto Lado’s fate.”

Yakani also took a firm stance against the spread of misinformation, stating, “Those who fabricate fake news and spread false information should be held accountable. We stand for the rights of all individuals to be respected.”

Highlighting the importance of ensuring Callisto Lado’s health and well-being, Yakani emphasized, “As he rejoins his family, we hope that his health will be prioritized and that support will be extended to his loved ones during this time.”

While celebrating Callisto Lado’s release, Yakani underlined the need for accountability, asserting, “Those responsible for the arbitrary arrest and suffering of Callisto Lado must face legal consequences. Such actions are detrimental to peace and stability in our country.”

Yakani concluded by advocating for the rule of law and the protection of human rights, stating, “Our laws exist to uphold justice and safeguard the rights of every individual. Those behind such arbitrary actions must be brought to justice to ensure accountability and prevent such injustices from recurring.”

As Callisto Lado embarks on his journey back to his family, the collective hope is for his well-being to be safeguarded and for justice to prevail in the pursuit of a fair and inclusive society.