By Jackson Gaaniko

Yambio – Joyous occasion unfolded in Yambio as hundreds of youths hailing from various Payams and Bomas within Yambio County were honored for completing vocational training and receiving certificates.

At the graduation ceremony, Mr. David Simbi, the Minister of Culture, Youths, and Sports for Western Equatoria State, graced the event as the guest of honor. He encouraged the graduates to apply the skills they have acquired in their respective communities and stressed the significance of preserving the knowledge gained during their training.

“I am urging the Ministry of Education to maintain close support for our youths, just as my ministry consistently does,” expressed Mr. Simbi.

Mr. Robert Singira, the branch manager of the Red Cross in Western Equatoria State, Yambio, cautioned the State Revenue Authority against imposing excessive charges on the budding entrepreneurs as they embark on their business journeys. He emphasized the crucial role of supporting and nurturing young business minds.

“As the Red Cross organization, our primary focus is empowering women and guiding them towards achieving their aspirations, sustainable development, and enhanced livelihoods,” added Mr. Singira.

Deputy Commissioner of the State Revenue Authority, Mr. Torosa Elias Toro, motivated the graduates to effectively utilize their business acumen. He acknowledged the youths’ acquisition of valuable skills, certificates, and tools courtesy of the Red Cross South Sudan.

Speaking on behalf of the youths, Mr. Jackson Gaaniko Mathew, the Head Boy of Tiindoka Vocational Training, expressed gratitude to the South Sudan Red Cross and the government of Western Equatoria State. He called for continued support to create similar opportunities for more young individuals.

“This endeavor plays a critical role in combating poverty, early marriages, theft, laziness, begging, and idleness within our society,” appealed Jackson.

“To my fellow graduates, let us return to our communities with diligence, utilizing the skills and tools bestowed upon us. Let us harness these resources to shape a brighter future instead of trading them for immediate gains,” advised Jackson.

The training program saw the participation of 100 youths from Yambio Town Municipality, Bangasu Payam, Kasia, Burezigbo, Lii Rangu, and Saura, fostering a sense of empowerment and skill development among the upcoming generation.